Thursday, August 6, 2009

Color me pissed

I don't even know what color that would be, but whatever.

So the same day my sister gets a refund from her bank for getting hosed on a 'trial offer' that lasts about I wanna say 20 seconds, I log in at my bank and find a charge for $69.95. For what, you may ask. Well, let me tell you. It was a trial offer for a federal grant database.

I did the trial offer on 7/28, and on 8/5 I took the hit. I promptly called my bank's fraud division. You see, several days ago I relocated the site and attempted to cancel any further charges. Every link I clicked was dead.

Today, this. The fraud department was very helpful. They put the money right back.

So, word to the wise.

Both URLs were given me by the customer service person that I was actually able to track down after I spoke to the bank. Both are useless.

The actual link that I finally located to use phone service to cancel was

How the HELL would anybody even find it?? That's not even the name the actual customer service rep gave me!


Sunday, April 19, 2009


The missing sister. Haven't seen her since 1987 but she does drop into my dreams at times.

Last night was one of those times. We were trying to talk to my mom, who was her old self. Bitchy. Angry, hurtful, hateful. She wouldn't look at us so we didn't know which one she never wanted to see again. She said it was Kathi. Kathi was trying to talk to her, about how she was making every effort to be as invisible as possible. Never coming downstairs, not even to eat. She was starving.

I was trying to go to bat for her but it was no use. By the end of the dream Kathi was planning how she'd be gone. Once her child was born she'd be giving it to me to raise, and we'd never have to see her again.

I woke up very sad.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I finally get it

Last night, I had a dream about Tawnja. She was really stressed. She and James were no longer together, and she was working a job that I thought was admin, but no. She was wearing glasses and working on whatever - calculus. She said 'yeah, I've just sort of always had a gift for it. You didn't know that?' I said no.

When I finally got through the little wall she had going, she sighed and lay down alongside me, I was holding her like we were lovers and we were talking like old times. I'm misting up just typing this now. We trusted and loved each other. And I woke up thinking Tawnja. Be safe, be happy. Be safe, be happy. Be safe, be happy.

I think I dreamed who she'd be if she had had any kind of a shot, as opposed to two mentally ill parents, and a brain damage-inducing injury when she was just a child. And the bottom line is, I just want her to be happy, and at peace.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

BOOYAH!!! Success

And man, is HE Pissed.

I tried the headband brush routine one more time. He was immediately successful, and uberproud. Right up until I booted his ass off the windowsill and back out the door.

Side note: I was up until well past 5 am getting my deathknight the rest of the way from early lvl 62 to lvl 65 in one day! So. I was tired. And REALLY Not Up For his shenanigans.

I grabbed the extension cord and tied one end around the door knob, and the other around my bed frame. He whimpered piteously, so on with the fan. And I unplugged the phone in case anybody was kind enough to pick up where he left off.

Four blissful hours of sleep later and et voila, here I am. Well, you know - except the part where I almost soiled myself trying to escape from my bedroom in time to use the facilities.

And there he is. Sulking on the windowsill.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Evil Cat Must Be Stopped

He can open any door, and frequently does. If they latched properly then he couldn't - and that would be the end of my story.

However, once he is in my room, he starts a fight with the window blinds. He wants to looks out. I sleep naked. Not an option, I think.

SO: I FINALLY thought of a solution! The french door handle will have a headband wrapped around it from the outside, and brought to the inside. From there it shall be twisted until tight, and the other end secured around my hairbrush handle, which will then be horizontal across the inner door. TADA!!!

And the fan'll be on. So when he has his 'let me in' fight with the door, I shall remain comatose.

The little shit. I shall teach him who is REALLY in charge here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sylvia Plath's son commits sucide in Alaska

And my first reaction was of course. That is where one would go. "Yeah, just couldn't get isolated enough so here I am! May as well die now."

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oh, ~chortle~

Showed my daughter a picture of ... well, to protect the not-so-innocent, I'll just call him Dim. Dim and Hideous. I showed Tiara a picture of Hideous. She thought Hideous looked like Dim's first wife. Yes, Dim is a serial monogamist. He can't spell it. Doesn't know what it means. But that's what he is.

Anyway, so I showed her Hideous' pic. And said I don't know about looking like his ex but she sure is ugly! And doesn't she know cameras mean cheese?

Tiara said "Apparently she ate the cheese!"

..... *wipes away mirth tears* Oh god. My sides.

And so it was ....

It was polled over at the Isle that I should start a blog. You know. Rather than drag on ad nauseum about my life *as apparently the poll starter didn't give a shit and felt others probably felt the same*. So, here I am.

I'd apparently started this blogger corner back in January of '08 before my life got blown up later that same year. Everything has changed since then.

For the better.